What’s better than the confidence that comes from rocking your signature style? Getting fabulous fashion, accessories & home décor from your favorite designers and local artists for a fraction of the retail price and knowing that the money you spend goes to support women in your community!
Working Women’s Sarasota/Manatee chapter is taking over Encore! & more on Main Street in Sarasota for a fun Girl’s Night Out: Sip, Shop & Save! Enjoy wine and hors d’oeuvres while you explore racks of designer clothes, shoes & bags, cases full of designer and one-of-a-kind jewelry, and a football field size room full of gorgeous furniture, crystal, china, art & accessories.
Guests of the event will receive gift bags courtesy of WWOTB in partnership with Encore! along with an additional 15% discount off the already amazing prices. Stylists will be on hand with tips on using accessories to take an outfit from good to great, dressing for your body type and fab ideas for dressing yourself & your table for the upcoming holiday party season.
Have gently-used upscale casual or business attire and accessories that you’re ready to part with? Bring your new or gently used handbags, jewelry, shoes or other accessories to donate and get a drawing ticket for our giveaway. About Our Sponsor: All sales at Encore! & more benefit the Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota County. For over 30 years, the Women’s Resource Center has provided women with life-skills training, career planning and educational scholarships. The mission of the organization is to create personal, social and professional growth opportunities for all women and provide strategies for living that strengthen them, their families and their communities. The nonprofit has 350 volunteers and touches the lives of 12,800 annually.
Special Perk for members! Bring a "newbie" for just $5. Treat your best friend or co-worker to a fun Girls Night Out. Make sure to register her when you sign up to get the discounted price.
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