HCC Startup Toolbox Speaker Series
Presented by USAmeriBank, each semester the HCC Entrepreneurship Program offers a speaker series called the "Startup Toolbox Speaker Series". These events are designed to bridge our campus community with the business and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Tampa Bay. The events feature business and entrepreneurship leaders that visit our campus and participate in a panel discussion themed around myriad topics.
FALL 2016
Event 2: Friday, October 21, 2016, 10am-12pm
“Planned Serendipity, Resources in the Tampa Bay Entrepreneurial Community"
Guest speakers will discuss the wide array of community resources and events available to entrepreneurs in Tampa Bay that create a platform for planned serendipity.
Event 3: Friday, November 18, 2016, 10am-12pm
“Pecha Kucha Happening, Stories of Serendipity Presented in 400 seconds””
Pecha Kucha presentations are brief 6 minute and 40 second presentations (20 slides that auto transition every 20 seconds). A collection of entrepreneurs will present their stories of serendipity using the pecha kucha presentation format.
Click here to register!