Urban E Recycling is celebrating Earth Day and You are Invited
Urban E Recycling is proud to celebrate Earth Day with the Greater Tampa Bay community for the third year in a row. This year's Earth Day Trivia event will he held at Sons of Italy Hall, 3316 West Lemon Street in Tampa from 6-10p.m.. As always, there is NO CHARGE for this event.
There will be an open bar with beer, wine, liquor and non-alcoholic drinks. We will serve sandwiches and salads. Then the fun begins; Earth Trivia with over $2,000 worth of prizes given away that night.
We ask that you form teams of 4 to 8 members with your organization, family or friends. If you don’t have a team, no problem. We will set you up with a potentially winning team.
This is a community appreciation event. There is absolutely no charge for this event.
Open Bar
Sandwiches & Salads
Earth Trivia with Prizes
Family Friendly – Children Welcome
Go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/earth-day-trivia-event-tickets-42989300154 and register for this FREE event.
Urban E Recycling
Remember: Mother Nature doesn’t want your old computers, but we do.